I came in the USA in January. It is was very cold and it was snowing. I was embarrassed because I was from Africa, in January it is extremely hot. Arrival in the USA I have a problem to find a job because I was struggling with language. I had tree issues pregnancy, weather, and language. No possibility to work. So do I need [[to stay in the USA]] or [[go back to my country]]. After all my thinking, I finilly decided to stay in the USA. So, we had to [[apply for a job]]Back to my country I sold everything, my husband quit his job, we do not have house. Do we need [[to live in the parents' house]] or [[rent apartment]]In the parent's house they live with our sibblings, there is no other room available for us. As a couple, it is not possible to stay in the same room with sibling. [[Become homeless]] or [[rent apartment]]To rent an apartment we need money. We quitted our previous job so, it is hard to find an other one. It takes time [[we must to be patient]].Outside is the most unsafe place; you are exposed to rape, murder, theft, bad weather, insect bites, wild animals, different kind of diseases. After thinking, we decided finally [[to stay in the USA]].At this time I was pregnant, and we had a little boy 1 year old. As a pregnant women I need [[good health care]] and [[eat healthy food]] Our government did not provide free health care for pregnant women. If you need good health care you can get the medicare from your company where you work. So, you need [[to find a job]] or have money to pay to the hospitalHealthy food is expensive, we do not have food pantry service in our country. You have to pay for everything even medecins so, you must have money. If you need money you have [[to find a job]] or [[start a business]].Starting business is a good idea but you cannot do it without money. To have money you need [[to find a job]] or [[to ask for credit]].Finding a good job in my country is challenging, eventhough you are qualified or you have skills because of overpopulation and bad organisation of our government. We decided then [[to stay in the USA]].It's also hard to get credit if you do not have job. If you ask for credit you have to pay it back with interest, so we decided [[to stay in the USA]].I have bachelor degree diploma at law school and my husband has a bachelor degree diploma at economy. we were wandering if we can [[apply for a job with our degree]], or with our [[high school diploma]] All the time when we applied for job, and we mention to the resume that we have degree from Africa, the employers called and said that we were not qualified. We were obliged to apply with our [[high school diploma]], and [[go back to school]]With our high school diploma the only one choice we had was to work in the factory as warehouse associate. That was a big disappointment, but we had to do that because we had bills to pay. At that time I was pregnant too. So, my husband accepted [[to work]] and plan to [[go back to school]]We decided to go back to school, to have a degree from USA. We were not able to start both of us at the same time. Either [[my husband starts first]], or [[I start]]He started first, and he got his associate degree at parkland college. After that the question was to [[continu to the U of I]] or [[go to the other university]]He works while he was studing at parkland, but when he transfered to the university he stopped working in order to study full time. When he finished with school, he got his bachelor, and he found a job. He works now as transporter analystic at UNFI. Then it time for me to go back to school. Finally, [[I start]]After his associate degree at parkland, he aplies at U of I for transfer the prossess was very long he lost one semestre, so he decided to [[go to the other university]]He decided then to transfer to Western University, and he was accepted. Western University is located at Macomb city. The problem was [[driving every day]], [[moving with the family]], or [[to move himself]]Here I am at parkland College, taking my classes, planning for my future. [[The end]]Champaign to Macomb is 3h45 min by car; driving every day 7h30 min was hard especially while snowing. He decided then [[to move himself]]Moving with the family was difficult because of my job, and it is not to easy to relocate all the family only for school because after that you don't know if you are going to find a job there or somewhere else. He decided then [[to move himself]]He moved him self, found an appartment for rent, but he was driving every weekend to visite his family. When he finished, he find a job at champaign, then [[I start]] My life in the USA was challenging but I made it with the grace of God.